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Welcome to Screening@ETH

Screening@ETH is a virtual platform focussing on arrayed and pooled screening with the goal to tailor these screening campaigns to the researcher's individual needs.

This collaborative project involves the Zurich-based ETH technology platforms NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies and Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM), the Genome Engineering and Measurement Lab (GEML), the ETH Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCCF), the D-​BIOL Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy Platform (BNSP) and the Basel-based D-BSSE Laboratory Automation Facility (LAF).

Screening@ETH can be accessed by contacting any of the collaborating ETH technology platforms. After an initial informal discussion with one of the platforms, a kick-​off meeting with all relevant platform representatives takes place and a project hosting platform is defined based on the technological requirements of the screen.

Our website provides an overview on the available technologies and infrastructures for genetic and chemical screening campaigns within ETH.

We are pleased to announce the 3rd edition of our course on:

How to do Screening@ETH - concepts, strategies and good practice
taking place from June 21-23, 2022 at ETH Hönggerberg.

Course content:
• High-Throughput Screening – from setup to data analysis
• High-Content Screening – principles of image-based screening
• Pooled Genetic Screening using the CRISPR/Cas system.
• Using Flow Cytometry as a tool for phenotyping and screening
• NMR for fragment-based screening, hit validation and compound QC

More information can be found on our event website.

Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Cell Sorting

Flow cytometry

Purify and analyse your cells at the ETH Flow Cytometry Core Facility.

Genome Engineering and Measurement Lab

Genome editing

Genome editing

Design, generation, and validation of genome engineering tools and reagents to perform gene perturbation at scale.

Laboratory Automation Facility (Basel)

Customized auto- mated workflows

Lab automation

Liquid handling robotics to offer a large variety of protocols such as automated cloning, cell culture, transfection, life cell, biochemical assays.

NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies

High-throughput screening

High-throughput screening

Tailored biochemical and cell-based high-throughput screening assays.

Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy

High-content screening

High-content screening

Image-based screens enable very powerful, complex, multi-parametric assays

Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy Platform

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